Industry 4.0 game: experience challenges while implementing Industry 4.0 technologies

Man robot graphic

This workshop offers the opportunity to play and experience the Industry 4.0 boardgame under expert supervision by one of the developers of the game. The game's main goals are to improve participants understanding of Industry 4.0 design principles.

This workshop offers the opportunity to play and experience the Industry 4.0 boardgame under expert supervision by one of the developers of the game. The workshop is a hands-on activity in which participants are placed in teams and then challenged to transition their companies towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm. By the end of the workshop participants will understand:

  • What are the most important principles, technologies, skills and areas related to Industry 4.0;
  • What are the main relationships among these aspects and;
  • That achieving Industry 4.0 requires a transition process, not an off-the-shelf product.

About the Industry 4.0 Board Game

The Industry 4.0 Board Game was developed to support companies, universities and research institutes to support introduction of I4.0 concepts in their organizations. It was developed in the Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative on Smart Connected Manufacturing program (2017-2021).

Over the past years, the game was hosted in professional training and educational settings in Brazil, Germany and The Nertherlands, with over 300 participants and 20 applications. The games has been hosted in universities and research institutes such as TU Berlin and Fraunhofer IPK in Germany and Twente University in The Netherlands. Many companies have taken part in the game, including AB Inbev, Nestlé, Saint-Gobain, Messer, Beiersdorf/Nivea, Volkswagen, among others.

The gaming material is freely available under creative commons license. Currently HAN Lean QRM Centrum is investigating whether translation of the gaming material in Dutch is an option. More information on the research is available via Researchgate.

Snelle info

Datum en tijd

HAN Campus Arnhem
Ruitenberglaan 29

€ 249, partners € 149

The Instructor

Esdras Paravizo

Esdras Paravizo was part of the original project, being the lead designer of the board game. He was responsible for summarizing the technical and theoretical concepts and creating the game mechanics and materials. He also hosted the Industry 4.0 workshops in Brazil, Germany and The Netherlands. Currently, he is a doctoral research student at the Engineering Design Centre at the  Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge in the UK. His research focusses on engineering design, creativity and technology, looking at how novel technologies and computer games can be employed to foster engineering design creativity in educational and practical settings.


Profielfoto spreker Esdras Paravizo