About us

Learn all about the HAN organization. Its schools, research groups and business units. Get the contact details you need to get in touch with the right person. And read the latest HAN news.

van Scheut 10

Have a question? You might find the answer in our FAQs. Or submit an online enquiry using the contact button. …
HAN Organization
What really drives HAN? Find out by reading its vision and mission statement. And by scanning its annual repor…
Our focus
How can we slow down global warming? Why do people with less education or income live shorter lives? How can w…
Our history
“Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen”, the Dutch name of our institution, is history. We now bear the English na…


End of Year Column Rob Verhofstad

La petite bonte

As 2024 now begins, a new year of opportunity and possibility lies ahead. None of us knows what 2024 will look like or what it will bring.

Er is geen omschrijving beschikbaar
HAN Newsroom
29 December 2023
kerst header
2023 National Student Survey (NSS)

HAN students again satisfied with their degree programs

Strength in stability: Our students are satisfied with many aspects of their studies, as they were last year and the year before. These are the results of the 2023 edition of the National Student Survey (NSE) published today.

Er is geen omschrijving beschikbaar
HAN Newsroom
01 June 2023
Student Support Center, studenten, Arnhem. Groep studenten lopen in de gang van R26. Fotoshoot 2023.
2022 National Student Survey:

High satisfaction with atmosphere

Another 2 nice wins: HAN students are very satisfied with the atmosphere in their degree program, and appreciation for study coaching is also increasing. These are the results of the 2022 edition of the National Student Survey (NSE) published today.

Er is geen omschrijving beschikbaar
HAN Newsroom
31 May 2022
Student Support Center, studenten, Arnhem. Groep studenten lopen in de gang van R26. Fotoshoot 2023.
Message from the Executive Board

War in Ukraine

HAN University of Applied Sciences (HAN) is shocked and concerned about the situation in Ukraine. Please read the message from our Executive Board.

Er is geen omschrijving beschikbaar
HAN Newsroom
07 March 2022
vlaggen, Arnhem, branding, signing, vlaggenmast, banieren, trio zwart rood wit
Storm Eunice

HAN closes at 12 noon today

Due to storm Eunice, HAN will close its doors at 12:00 today to give everyone the chance to get home safely. Your program may decide to provide online classes the whole day. Your pogram will inform you about the timetable.

Er is geen omschrijving beschikbaar
HAN Newsroom
18 February 2022
Nieuwsbericht storm