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This program was set up in close collaboration with the industry. So its content is geared to industry needs. Also, companies provide guest lecturers and real projects for you to work on. You’ll be at the forefront of developments in the different fields offered within this master.

Engineering Systems in a nutshell

All tracks within the Master in Engineering Systems include 2 compulsory modules in the first semester: 

  • Systems Modeling 
  • Applied Control 

In the second semester you have 2 (elective) modules on subjects specific to your track. The final part of the program is your major project. Here you do research on an engineering issue.  

Learn more about Engineering Systems

Meet lecturers & students

Get an inside view of the Engineering Systems program at HAN. Become a student for a day, join a sample lecture or meet 1:1 with a lecturer or student online. We are currently offering the following activities:

Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from an Automotive Engineering Bachelor Degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences
Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from an Automotive Engineering Bachelor Degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Systems modeling and applied control

Semester 1 gives you the fundamentals in Engineering Systems. All tracks follow the Systems Modeling and Applied Control modules. Also, apply your knowledge directly during labs and real-life projects for industry. And fine-tune your communication and research skills.

Compulsory modules

In Systems Modeling you learn how to model systems using the white-box model. Applied Control is about analyzing a system or model.

Academic calendar

The academic year runs from September to August. In that time you have 42 weeks of education. The rest of the time you have holidays.

Modules and lecture days

Here you can find the schedule of the modules for the Master Engineering Systems in semester 1 and 2.

Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from an Automotive Engineering Bachelor Degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Dive deep into your field of interest

Semester 2 is where you start specializing in your field of interest. You do so by following modules that are specific to your track.

Track-specific modules

In this semester you follow 2 track-specific modules. Some tracks have a number of modules to choose from. The modules for each track are outlined below. Click on the link to get the full module descriptions.

Automotive Systems

Advanced Vehicle Dynamics; Advanced Controller Design; Innovations in Powertrains; Hydrogen Technology; Sustainable Fuels, Engines and Emissions; Smart Infrastructure; Smart Vehicles.

Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from an Automotive Engineering Bachelor Degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Cyber-Physical Systems

Big Data and Small Data; Advanced Vehicle Dynamics; Embedded Control.

Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from an Automotive Engineering Bachelor Degree at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Energy Systems; Smart Power Supply; Hydrogen Technology.

studenten overleggen met laptop

A good match?

Want to discover whether Engineering Sytsems is a good match for you? Whether it fits with your previous education and experience? And which track would suit you best? Visit us at an Open Day and find out. Or arrange an online meeting with a staff member.

Open Day
Open Day

Investigating an engineering systems issue

Your 3rd and final semester is devoted to your graduation project. That’s where you investigate a real-life issue in the industry. Where? At a company or research institute.

Graduation project

The graduation project is a final test of your ability to manage a project. And where you demonstrate your skills in communicating, reporting and presenting. You get the support of a HAN staff member and a supervisor from the company or institute. 

Master of Science

You’ve reached the finish line. You now have your Master of Science in Engineering Systems. Congratulations! The program you've completed is accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). That means you now have an internationally recognized degree. Where are you going to put your new skills to work? 

Master of Science

Get a glimpse

Watch our drone campus tour

Curious about the Engineering and Automotive campus in Arnhem? Watch our drone campus tour! Get a glimpse of the atmosphere. See for yourself what our classrooms, meeting rooms and project rooms look like.

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Find out about job opportunities for graduates in Engineering Systems. And what do alumni say about this degree and about finding work? 

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