Short course — Molecular & Cell Biology

impression application of knowlegde from the Molecular & Cell Biology course
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The program starts 4 February 2025

Do you have a high interest in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and bio-informatics? And are you looking for a course that helps you with the understanding of principles and the theory of the techniques around these subjects? Then this online self-study course is for you!

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Online course Molecular & Cell Biology

Acquire or deepen your knowledge in molecular and cell biology! In this online course the topics molecular biology, molecular techniques, cell biology, bio-informatics and biochemistry will be adressed.

The Molecular & Cell Biology course is a complete online, self-study course. In addition, there are several online meetings with your fellow students and the teachers of the course.

In brief

    +/- 8 hoursper weekonline self-study
    1200 eurocosts
    Englishmain language

What do you learn?

After finishing this online course you’ll have knowledge and understanding of the principles in molecular and cell biology. You’ll also be able to apply these principles to answer fundamental research questions. 

laboratorium buisjes

Who is this course for?

The online course Molecular & Cell Biology is mainly meant for technicians or researchers (in life sciences, chemistry or related fields) interested in acquiring, deepening or refreshing their knowledge in life sciences.

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Contact us

Got a question? Contact us at ASK HAN. We're happy to help!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00

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What topics do you learn about? Which learning methods are used? 

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