HAN Housing

Are you an international student and not over 30 at the start of your program? And will you be doing a bachelor, master or exchange program at HAN University of Applied Sciences? Then the HAN Housing Office can help you with student housing in Arnhem or Nijmegen. We look forward to welcoming you as a student at HAN!

Drie jongens werken op laptop in huiskamer zitje

Interesting pages for you

How to arrange your room with HAN Housing

Want to know how HAN Housing works? Watch the suitable video below.

On this page

More about eligibility

Want to find out if you are eligible for housing through the HAN Housing Office?

Student achter laptop met book your room app


HAN Housing arranges furnished student rooms at these locations in Nijmegen and Arnhem.

Nijmegen winkels in binnenstad

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the frequently asked questions here.

Knoop doorhakken studiekeuze vraagtekens


Contact us at the HAN Housing Office. We're happy to help with all your questions!

Tessa Warren, medewerker van ASKHAN, aan de telefoon

More about eligibility

HAN Housing locations

Locations in Nijmegen

HAN Housing arranges furnished student rooms at these locations:

Rental prices  range from around €430  to €520  per month (subject to change). The exact price depends on location, room size and service charges. Service charges (gas, electricity, water, Internet) are included in the rental price.

Nijmegen winkels in binnenstad

Locations in Arnhem

HAN Housing arranges furnished student rooms at these locations:

Rental prices  range from around €480  to €675  per month (subject to change). The exact price depends on the location, room size, and service charges. Service charges (gas, electricity, water and Internet) are included in the rental price.

Arnhem stadsaanzicht en park

Frequently Asked Questions


Contact us at the HAN Housing Office.
We're happy to help with all your questions!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 - 16:30


Prefer calling?
Visiting address

Ruitenberglaan 31, room E1.01

6802 EJ Arnhem
