Open Up Introduction Week

Welcome to Life Sciences!

It’s about to begin! In the week of August 21 we will welcome you on the HAN Campus. We are looking forward to meeting you in person! On this page you can find all the information for a great Introduction Week and the best possible start of your studies!

witte vlaggen, Nijmegen, branding, signing, vlaggenmast, duo, wokenlucht

The program

More Information

  • Registration

    Complete intro program

    Don’t want to miss anything and participate in the complete intro program? Sign up with the first link below. If you have paid, you are registered. An extra information booklet will be sent in July, including a packing list. Are there any questions before then? Mail them to

    When you choose Option 2 for the introduction week, please sign in with the second link below. An extra information booklet will be sent in July, including a packing list. Are there any questions before then? Mail them to

    Open Up Festival

    Are you not taking part in the training introduction, but do you want to go to the Open Up Festival? That's possible. You can register below. 

  • Cost and cancellation

    Complete intro program

    The complete introduction program costs 75 euros, the daytime visitor program costs 35 euros. Are you suddenly unable to come? Let us know no later than August 19 and you will receive a refund of your money. After this date we cannot pay any reimbursements.

    Open Up Festival

    The entrance ticket for the Open Up Festival is free for all new HAN students. Collect your ticket at the Open Up Area.

  • Questions

    If you have any questions about the intro program, camping or anything else, you can send an email to

  • Medication and allergies

    Do you have any medications of allergies? Please mention these during your online registration. If you are in doubt about anything medically related, do not hesitate to contact the organisation through


Open Up 2023

You are on the brink of taking a big step in your life. Full of excitement… student life awaits. HAN literally opens its doors for you during the Open Up introduction week.

Knoop doorhakken studiekeuze tussenjaar feestende jongeren
To do

Is your registration complete already?

More information will follow. 

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